Saturday, February 29, 2020

Aristotle And Politics

Aristotle And Politics Essay annonAristotle (b. 384 d. 322 BC), was a Greek philosopher, logician,and scientist. Along with his teacher Plato, Aristotle is generallyregarded as one of the most influential ancient thinkers in a numberof philosophical fields, including political theory. Aristotle wasborn in Stagira in northern Greece, and his father was a courtphysician to the king of Macedon. As a young man he studied inPlatos Academy in Athens. After Platos death he left Athens toconduct philosophical and biological research in Asia Minor andLesbos, and he was then invited by King Philip II of Macedon to tutorhis young son, Alexander the Great. Soon after Alexander succeededhis father, consolidated the conquest of the Greek city-states, andlaunched the invasion of the Persian Empire. It was in thisenvironment that Aristotles views and ideas of politics developed. As Alexanders teacher, Aristotle had a close tie to the politicalpowers of Athens. Because of this tie Aristotle wrote Politics as aguide to rulers as to how to govern a country. In Politics Aristotlelays out his ideal form of Government. It contains thought provokingdiscussions on the role of human nature in politics, the relation ofthe individual to the state, the place of morality in politics, thetheory of political justice, the rule of law, the analysis andevaluation of constitutions, the relevance of ideals to practicalpolitics, the causes and cures of political change and revolution,and the importance of a morally educated citizenry. He stressed thatthe ideal citizen and ruler must possess certain virtues, such aswisdom, temperance and courage. And the work as a whole echoesAristotles dominant theme of moderation. Politics is an excellenthistorical source because of the close tie Aristotle had to theeveryday business of government in Athens. It reflects the idealizedvalues of t he people and the influence of Aristotles teacher Plato. The importance of wisdom and justice also directly parallel theclassical Greek ideology. Aristotle believed that nature formedpolitics and the need for city-states (government) formed out ofnature. Aristotle lays the foundations for his political theory inPolitics by arguing that the city-state and political rule arenatural. The argument begins with a historical account of thedevelopment of the city-state out of simpler communities. First,individual human beings combined in pairs because they could notexist apart. The male and female joined in order to reproduce, andthe master and slave came together for self-preservation. The masteruses his intellect to rule, and the natural slave uses his body tolabor. Second, the household arose naturally from these primitivecommunities in order to serve everyday needs. Third, when severalhouseholds combined for other needs a village emerged also accordingto nature. Finally, the complete community, formed from severalvillages, is a city-state, whi ch can attain the limit ofself-sufficiency. It comes to be for the sake of life, and exists forthe sake of the good life. (I.2.1252b27-30). Aristotle backs upfour claims about the city-state: First, the city-state exists bynature, because it comes to be out of the more primitive naturalassociations and it serves as their end, because only it attainsself-sufficiency (1252b30-1253a1). Second, human beings are by naturepolitical animals, because nature, which does nothing in vain, hasequipped them with speech, which enables them to communicate moralconcepts such as justice, which are formative of the household andcity-state (1253a1-18). Third, the city-state is naturally prior tothe individuals, because individuals cannot perform their naturalfunctions apart from the city-state, since they are notself-sufficient (1253a18-29). However, these three claims areimmediately followed by a fourth: the city-state is a creation ofhuman intelligence. Therefore, everyone naturally has the impulsef or such a community, but the person who firstestablished is the cause of very great benefits. This greatbenefit may be the laws of the city-state. Aristotle points out thatthe legal system alone saves them from their own savagery. READ: Rules of Court: Parts of a Pleading EssayIts interesting to see that Aristotles view of nature transcends inhis view of the human character and what the humans should be. InAristotles Ethics he points out the popular view of what happinesswas (and maybe still is). Honor, pleasure and wealth are the thingshe believed the Greek people wanted to be happy. He stated that honoris a superficial aim because at any moment it can be taken away fromus. Pleasure is enjoyable but is more an animal quality than human,and wealth is merely a means towards a greater good. Aristotle taughtmoderation; the pursuit of the above three vices is okay, but dontmake it an all encompassing goal. In contrast to the three things hewarned against spending your life on, there were about four thingsthat he felt should be heartily sought after. Aristotle felt thateveryone should possess these qualities,and they were crucial for agood ruler. Wisdom, courage, temperance and justice were the fourvirtues that Ar istotle held so high. He felt that only through thesefour qualities could lead a person, or a country to true happiness. Aristotles virtues parallel the thinking of other classical Greeks. One of the obvious reasons for this is that the teacher-student bondtied many philosophers. The great Socrates taught Plato, and ofcourse Plato was Aristotles teacher. Although, the influence of theteacher is very strong, the students also have show that they canthink independently and their works have a distinctly different tasteto them. Plato said the just person is wise, temperate and courageousand the just state is ruled by wisdom. Platos just state displayedcourage over force and temperance over intemperance. Socrates, another of the famous classical Greeks, died for his viewsof wisdom and justice. Socrates used logic to tell himself and hiscolleagues that he must die for the sake of avoiding hypocrisy. Socrates whole life he preached that the states laws must be heldsupreme for justice to prevail. The state sentenced him to death,and to avoid death would be to contradict the states laws. In theprocess he would be contradicting what he had lived for. Many peoplelikened Socrates to a gadfly, always buzzing in the states face tomake sure they were doing the just thing. Aristotle also knew theimportance of justice but he approached it slightly differently. Justice, Aristotles third moral virtue, consisted of two mainaspects. The first was that the laws made citizens just; the statehad to strive to make the people act morally and good (1129a 13-24). Aristotles second aspect of justice was that people should beawarded justly, or in proportion to what they have done oraccomplished. The higher the merit the higher the honor or thehigher the crime the worse the punishment (1130b 30-32). In Politics Aristotle lays down his ideal structure of the family. His structure greatly reflected the values of the people in thepater-dominated tradition. The belief of the time was that thefather was basically the king of his house; Aristotle didnt varymuch from this. The father had supreme authority and had controlover his wife. He does concede that there is reciprocity betweenthe two but he feels that there is a permanent basic inequality. The wife should remain the ruled one and show her courage (a moralvirtue) through her obedience and her glory through silence (1260a24,30). The father also rules over his children with supremeauthority. Only through his death is his authority removed. Aristotle also included the slave as part of the family, but hedifferentiates from the practices of the time as what he considers tobe an acceptable slave. The status quo was the removal of strongbodies from conquered nations for the purpose of manual labor. Hefelt that slavery through conquest was unacceptable. Slavery hebelieved to be acceptable were those that needed the slave/masterrelationship to survive. Those that were too unintelligent to governthemselves needed this bond to get through life. In exchange fortheir daily care, the natural slaves are to do light householdduties such as cooking (1255b 26-27). It is interesting to notethat in his will Aristotle called for the emancipation of some of hisown acquired slaves. An example of the slave/master relationshipthat Aristotle discussed can be seen in todays world. Sometimes anelderly or sick person requires constant care. They need to haveeverything done for them and therefore cant govern themselves. READ: Belonging: Girl Interrupted. Lisa and Susanna EssayAnother person is required to make the persons important decisionsand is responsible for their care. In this example the distinctioncan be seen between Aristotles idea of a slave and Greekstraditional view, which was similar to the United States in the1800s. Aristotle was a brilliant person who taught moderation in governmentand in life. He stressed the importance of moral virtues as the keyto happiness and a successful government. Aristotle thought that theneed for government and authority developed on its own from nature. He taught in the Lyceum, a school he founded in Athens, how a justperson should live and how a just state should rule. His messages ofvirtue and moderation transcend time and still are a great influenceon modern western thought. SourcesThe Greco-Roman Legacy: AristotlePolitics by AristotleThe Republic by PlatoEthics by AristotleThe Greco-Roman legacy: Plato

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Instructional presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Instructional presentation - Essay Example Jim Fay’s (1995) discussion of three major teaching styles reminders readers that feedback sends not only the overt message of the words used but the covert messages of tone, actions and general body language. Of the three teaching styles - helicopter, drill sergeants, and consultants – it is the consultant teacher who embodies the overt and covert â€Å"messages of personal worth, dignity, and strength† (Fay & Funk, 1995, p. 197). When looking to the strategies employed by consultant teachers, it becomes obvious that these can be used with all teaching styles to provide corrective feedback in a whole instruction setting. First, educators should make sure the questions being asked are of appropriate difficulty and cognitive levels while being stated as clearly as possible. Schroeder (n.d.) suggests that questions dealing with new material should be such that 80% of the responses given are correct and 90+% for review materials. Educators may find that low-level questions that ask what, where, and who are best for this. Such pedagogical procedures will promote self-esteem as well as momentum needed to progress with instructional activities. Students will then be more willing to work for answers to higher order questions dealing with the why and how. Secondly, teachers should react to responses in such a way as to encourage student answers. Quick, certain responses that are correct need only affirmation that they are indeed correct. Correct but hesitantly given responses need the affirmation of correctness as well as praise and perhaps a short review of why the response is correct. Incorrect responses that are due to a careless error need only a quick reference to the error and time for the student to be allowed to provide the correct answer. Incorrect answers based on a lack of knowledge should be met with prompts and hints that may engage the needed information. Clarifying, rephrasing, or even changing the

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Short Answer Format on five different topics Essay - 1

Short Answer Format on five different topics - Essay Example our war with Spain after the USS Maine was sunk on February 15, 1898 while at anchor at Havana (Cuba) harbor, resulting in the death of 266 officers and men. America’s victory marked her rise as a world power. Subsequent troubling experiences running former Spanish colonies, sending soldiers to die in two world wars, and leading the war against Communism (Cold War) and terrorism continue to fuel debates on whether the US should be isolationist or accept the interdependence of nations in an age of globalization and perform its unique role as the world’s democratic superpower (Cole 85-89). Eleanor Roosevelt was the wife of four-term (1933-1945) US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the niece of two-term (1901-1909) President Theodore Roosevelt. She was born on October 11, 1884 and died on November 7, 1962. Many consider Mrs. Roosevelt as the woman who redefined the role of the First Lady in American history, becoming the model for later First Ladies. She turned her marital problems with her husband into an opportunity to shine and show that she was the better person. During and even after serving as our First Lady, she worked to uplift the social conditions of American women, African Americans, and the poor. She was appointed our representative to the United Nations from 1945-1963. President Harry S. Truman called her the â€Å"First Lady of the World.† Unlike previous First Ladies, she was active in public life as a writer, diplomat, and social activist. She wrote and published her autobiography (2000) before her death. Women’s suffrage is concerned with the right of women to vote in elections. This right was not enjoyed by women because US laws of at the time considered women incapable of exercising it. Such a simple assumption of the incapacity of half of the world to choose who should rule over them reflects the social attitude prevailing in America, where women were seen as weak and inferior to men (Stevens 107-108). Fortunately, a group